Louis Prima and Keely Smith in the lounge, Frank Sinatra threatening to beat people up, his Rat Pack onstage cracking up the suckers. In the Old Days, when Vegas was run by the Mob, it was exciting - especially if you crossed the wrong person. Those people know how to rack in millions from some low-rent town with a population smaller than the San Roque neighborhood. If you want mind-boggling corruption, go to the City of Bell.
Barney BrantinghamĬORRUPTION: You’ve gotta admit it: Our Channel City is boring. Prostitution is illegal on The Strip, but as a bartender we met put it, “In Las Vegas, anything goes.” Winner: Sin City. Ours you can play on, spread a blanket on, get skin cancer on, and stub your cigarette in. Everyone ignores it there except to bury a corpse in. CITY OF LOST WAGES: Where would you rather be a tourist: Las Vegas or Santa Barbara? I’m just back from Lost Wages, and I thought I’d see how our town stacks up.